Friday, 21 September 2012

Kubuntu got Donations, KDE needs Donations

DSCF7055 There we were starting discussions for the Ubuntu Developer Summit at the end of October in Copenhagen and wondering who we could afford to send when I got a nice e-mail asking what it would cost to send everyone who wanted to go. I replied with a rough budget of what the flights and hotel would be and next thing I know that amount had appeared in my Paypal account. Now I like to think Kubuntu is a friendly and trusting community but this is generosity beyond my expectations. I'm constantly amazed with how much people like Kubuntu and how they show it.

Now KDE needs your donation for the annual Randa Sprint of kde-core developers. It's nearly at the target so let's see if we can push it over the line today! Click here to lend your support to: KDE Randa Meetings and make a donation at !

Monday, 3 September 2012

Why have you stuck with Kubuntu?

A fun thread on independent website asking why use Kubuntu rather than the multitude of competition.

Some answers:

(1) I prefer the KDE look (2) The friendly community

I just like KDE and Kubuntu seams to give the best KDE I have tried

I use it because I like Ubuntu, but but want customization options. Ive tried a lot of other DEs but none is easier to use and more customizable than KDE.

the community rocks

I use Kubuntu because it's Ubuntu, but with the awesomeness of KDE. So the familiar technology, coupled with the superior DE means I have never been happier with Linux on my desktop.

I love its pure, unmitigated, raw POWER! It allows me to do more with fewer keystrokes or mouse clicks than ANY other OS available. Dolphin is just an example.

Kubuntu offers a compassionate community, the excellence of KDE and the breadth of the Ubuntu ecosystem.

Kubuntu has a good and familiar look (for those of us coming from Windows), a good base in Ubuntu, and the ease in which to add software and repositories. I also find it cool that both KDE and (K)Ubuntu have 6-month release cycles, meaning a new version of Kubuntu means a new KDE (though a couple months off).


Originally posted at